Statement of Faith and Life
Junction City United Methodist Church The Heart of JC
At Junction City United Methodist Church, the Heart of JC, our core belief is that God is Love, as the First Letter of John states in the New Testament portion of the Bible. We believe that just as Jesus was a living, breathing, enfleshed expression of God’s love, we are also called to a life of loving God and loving one another.
Love Foremost
We believe that the Gospel that Jesus preached and lived was simple:
- All humankind is one interrelated family, created and cared for by the One God who is Love. The Way of Love infuses all Creation.
- We all have an eternal goal and purpose in life that begins with how we choose to live, by directing our thoughts and actions to be shaped through spiritual communion with the Presence of God that dwells in every person.
- We warmly love, support, and care for all who join us in our fellowship of love and work.
The Spirit Leads
We seek to be led by the Holy Spirit, who:
- Trains our minds to live truthfully;
- Inclines our hearts compassionately;
- Compels us to act courageously; and
- Broadens our perspectives regarding the world in which we live.
Compassionate Justice
We believe that what we proclaim as our faith must be expressed in our actions. Just as the love that Jesus demonstrated knew no bounds of race, social class, gender or gender identity, sexual identity, nationality, or even religious affiliation, so we also endeavor to extend that love to the world around us.
We do this by:
- Reading the Bible using Jesus as our lens to interpret the stories contained therein.
- Coming alongside the people that Jesus came alongside: those who are hurting, cast aside and oppressed, disheartened in life, and those who are perplexed about how to live.
- Treating all persons with dignity and respect;
- Advocating on behalf of persons marginalized by society;
- Seeking to address and uproot racist, sexist, and other dehumanizing and demeaning attitudes and behaviors within ourselves and in our society;
- Providing food and clothing for those who need it;
- Reserving judgment while extending mercy and compassion instead;
- Welcoming, accepting, and offering support for all persons in whatever life situation they find themselves.
- Sharing our joy for life with all with whom we come into contact.
Creative Joy
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, all this gives us incredible joy. We celebrate God’s unconditional love in music, laughter, hearty fellowship, good food, artwork, and performances. Our church has been a cornerstone for years of the Junction City Arts Council as one of the founding sponsors, frequently hosting free concerts for the community.
Love * Justice * Spirit * Compassion * Joy
This is what it means for us to act as the Heart of JC.